Tuesday, March 30, 2010

beachin' it at the Carnegie

Quick oil sketch of a beach scene, a demo done during the Newnan March Art Walk, I was at the Carnegie Library. 
8 x 10 oil on panel         $150

Monday, March 22, 2010

Male Museum, a historical site in Newnan.   Painted plein air on a recent gorgeous sunny day.    The perspective kind of drove me nuts.   Next painting has to be a landscape--nature, a more forgiving subject!      The folks walking by were pretty interesting though.

This one may be displayed in City Hall this coming quarter.  
8 x 10 oil on panel.  $175.00

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Kind of scary portrait, but the model was cheap (LOL!).   Good way to work out some skin tone practice though.    Weather is getting nice, so I'll have to move outdoors.  Probably find some better models too!